Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Locks of Love

This is a painting I did of the "locks of love" that are placed on a bridge over the Seine River in Paris.  The entire bridge is covered with locks with the names of the two people who placed them there then threw away the key.  Most impressive sight so I decided to paint what I remembered.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Street scene in St. Cirq. La Popie, FR

I sketched this in the town square of St. Cirq. La Popie in September 2011 while on a Karlyn Holman workshop and finished painting it when I was home in Auburn, CA

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

France, Labastide-Murat street scene

This painting was sketched in ink at Labastide-Murat, Fr. sitting across the street on a ledge in the sun on a warm day in September 2011. I used Arches paper 7 1/2 x 22 inches and only a portion of the painting is shown as the sides were cropped. I did an ink sketch first then back in the studio at Le Vieux Convent  in Frayssinet, FR I painted it with watercolor. It's framed and for sale for $300.